Binford Insect Control Inc. 


Binford Insect Control Inc.

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Termite Control
Rodent Control
Bed Bugs
Bee Control
Lawn Services
Tree Care

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General Pest Control 

Termite Control

Rodent Control
Bed Bugs
Bee Control
Lawn Services
Tree Care


No one wants to see a roach scurrying across the kitchen floor or on their bedroom floor. If you see any insects or rodents crawling about, you need to address the problem immediately! Don't delay getting your home serviced or the problem will get worse. Your lawn also needs to be a priority for pest and rodent control, since that is where all the insects come from. We live in Texas and with the Texas heat, you want to make sure your trees stay healthy to provide the much needed shade! If your tree is unhealthy, you also run the risk of fallen limbs and disease. In the pest control industry, we like to treat the entire home to help prevent any future problems. We have been locally owned and family operated for the last 70 years! Call the company the Bryan/College Station area has trusted for generations!. Just give us a call today at (979)-977-3309 for a free estimate for your pest control needs. 

Binford Insect Control Inc. 

1224 South College Avenue, Bryan, TX, 77803 

Visit our website for more information 

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